Monday, January 11, 2010

Setting Boundaries

So, this past week has been about reestablishing a new and improved relationship with my finances (i.e. having Jay, my loving and patient husband, stash my credit cards in an undisclosed location).

In any new relationship, you must set boundaries. I have had to rewrite my budget so that my priorities are clearly stated. I have had to look at my previous bank statements to see where I spend my money and make adjustments accordingly.
It’s funny because my bank statement says a lot about who I am. You can tell when I am celebrating and when I have had a bad day. I have spent $100 in one sitting dinning out with friends (need to watch that) and can spend $200 shopping for items that I don’t really need.

I usually shop when I have had a tough week. I feel a release of stress after I have been shopping that helps me to forget my demanding day. It usually starts by me stopping by the mall to “window shop.” I don’t mean to spend an exuberant, but after “unwinding” in Sephora or “relaxing” at White House Black Market I have spent way too much.

What is way too much? That is what my new budget is helping me to finally see. I have to get my priorities set. I need to provide for my household (groceries & utility bills etc) and pay down on debt. The UGLY truth is the there is not much left for unwinding at the mall. BOOOOOO!
I cannot step over that boundary again until I have met my goals and realized my priorities.


  1. Good job girl! I keep finding myself being tempted to unwind with a shopping trip, since I am not relying on wine and food. It is always a struggle, but you are lucky to have a great husband to keep you occupied(and some pretty cool girlfriends, too ;)Love you!

  2. Super proud of you! No wonder you always look great!LOL

    In 16 weeks you will have a little niece to play with on your bad days! lova ya

  3. I looked up "money" in the bible and found this in Hebrews 13:5

    Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

    You are on the right track.
